Saturday, February 25, 2012

What have we been doing lately?

Hey fabulous friends and family......

I can't believe how fast February has gone! Let's update everyone on what has been going on in the Rogalsky Household.

   February blew in.....literally. Seems like if it's not snowing, it's about a late winter.
I started a wonderful new job and I totally love it. I was kind of concerned because I was working only one night a week, but the Lord has yet again blessed us, because not only did my boss call this week to inform me I was to start working 3-4 days a week .....I am to start babysitting my wonderful cousin in laws children! Busy, Busy! So I am glad to be doing something productive again!
   Tyler and I have been trying to do as many fun and inexpensive things as possible together between hectic work schedules. We love to go shopping together....even if its window shopping only.
Tyler Found a buddy from home at Wal-mart
Tyler got me some AWESOME V-day gifts!
 We had a wonderful Valentine's day together. I spent days preparing. It was wonderful.

the V-day dinner I set up
heart of love
I WOOF you!
Flubber even got a heart shaped toy that he loved so much he carried it around all day.

We went to a Monster Truck show here in town as well and had a good time dressing the part and cheering on the cool looking trucks.
Big trucks!
We love Monster Jam!

Tyler's big fix-it project for the month was buying us a new toilet which he got us a padded toilet seat.....Lowe's has really taught him well. He installed it himself... and it stands as a proud reminder of his handy skills.

   We had the pleasure of seeing his family when they came for a visit this month. His parents stayed at our place one night and at Joe's house the other 2 nights. Mike even came down and we had a family dinner at Joe's. I got the privilage to go the Salt Lake City Temple for the first time with Tyler and his parents. I loved it and I think it has quickly become one of my favorite temples.
   We also won a contest from our local news station and we got a free getaway package to none other than........Bear Lake! HA. So one of these days we might take that trip. :) Things are good. We are happy, healthy, and busier than ever. Here's to a Marvelous March!

Tyler and Jessica Rogalsky

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fantastic Feb already

Well another month......
We've have a few things go on.... not terribly much yet though.
I got  job working as a direct night time shift mentor....for a youth rehabilitation transition house..... it's pretty cool... I like it! Tyler is still liking his job at Lowes. Flubber is still playing around and being our doggie. We are happy and busy. We spent Tyler's day off exploring the Salt Lake City Cemetery the other day. We had a blast. We also recently visited the Pioneer museum and explored around Capitol Hill a bit. It's fun to see how historically rich this place really is. I'm learning to cook more often and getting into more complex meals. So that is how we are doing. Here are some pictures for you. Enjoy!

Cooking dinner

snow day with Flubber

Hockey games with Tyler

It's President Hinckley!

Mom, It's your favorite!

looking at the headstones at the cemetery